Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Resource Sharing #1

The blog that I found this week was helpful to me specifically because this is a subject I teach. The blog is
This blog covers all sorts of geography related topics that range from how parts of the middle east differ from each other to a whole section on teaching aides for the classroom. If you click on this link it takes you right to his teaching aides section.
The very first post you see there is about finding birth rate and growth rate, both are things I do in my geography class, and both are things students have trouble with. This could be a helpful site to share with them. In the teaching aides section there is are also helpful features such as a chart that will allow you to see when a map went out of date by comparing what countries are on the map and how they are labeled.
I also like that this blog uses lots of videos and pictures. I know that I personally am a very visual person, and many of my students are as well. I am not going to use or read a blog that cannot hold my attention, and a blog of only words usually won't do that.
Overall, I found this blog to be very helpful for anyone teaching Geography or even just interested in geography.

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