Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mod #4 post

This week I actually found an article that I feel relates to the reading. As this week we deal with the online community, I started to think aboutd the conversations I hear at work and among my friends regarding online learning. I know that many people feel there are some serious downsides to online learning, while many people such as myself feel the positives outweigh the negatives. This article is detailed research regarding those pros and cons. It goes into detail about not only the student perspective, but also what teachers are feeling about online courses.


  1. Hey Scott! The article that you picked was very interesting. I enjoyed reading all the different reasons people like/dislike online learning. Before I read the article I examined the two tables, and had the same thoughts about the contradictions - time, technology, etc. It seems that all my own pros and cons are already listed, do you have any to add to the list?

  2. In my opinion, the time concern is a valid one but it is something we opt to do when we choose to participate in online courses. The work load is something that needs the instructor’s consideration when creating the curriculum. Sometimes because of all the information available and our innate willingness to share, we overwhelm students with tasks and information. However, the key factor in all of this is computer literacy and the disposition to acquire the skills in order to function successfully online. I have tried to motivate friends and colleagues to interact online and most of them won’t even step foot in social networks because they feel inadequate.


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